If you click the link above you will be taken to our new Volunteer Application. If you know someone who is unable to fill it out online, they are welcome to come in and fill out a paper copy.

The goal of our Volunteer Application is to determine who to best utilize our volunteers time based on any experience they may have that would benefit the animals or the entire shelter best.

Please fill out the application as completely and to the best of your ability. Incomplete applications can make it difficult to know how to best use your unique talents.

If you need volunteer hours for a specific cause(school, legal, etc.) please let us know, we are happy to assist you in completing as many possible hours at our facility.

Already a volunteer? What's next?

We attempt to make our volunteers time and experience positive and incredibly rewarding. If you have a moment, please click here to take a quick 4 question survey for us.

We're looking to pinpoint exactly what made your experience great and what is working the best to make our shelter a success. Now if for any reason you may have had a negative experience, please still fill out the survey and give us the best possible explanation about where your experience lacked so we can improve.

Please be aware that any awesome quotes or stories could potentially be published on this website.

Group Help

If you are looking for a volunteer project for a group, we could definitely use your help. We have had youth groups, and other organizations come for several hours and help. Everyone loves volunteering at the shelter because it doesn't feel like work when you're surrounded by animals who love you.

For more information contact us at executivedirector@winnieberry.org or by phone at (936)639-1880.